Over 100 skate enthusiasts bunched up at the Baler Municipal Hall last
October 29 as Converse CONS Philippines Influencers Jundin Santos and CL Paje
showed up to mentor the skaters on the basic know-how of skateboarding tricks.
Cool prizes awaited the participants after the on-the-spot skateboarding tricks spearheaded by Santos and Paje.
A basic photography workshop was also put forth courtesy of Maui Hidalgo
of skater magazine, Blunt.
Honorable Mayor Nelianto Bihasa graced the event to personally accept
the turning over of the Converse CONS skate ramps on behalf of the Baler skateboarding
The Cons Project Baler leg is the final prop of the Converse CONS
Project for this year after its successful staging in Manila and Baguio.