Filipinos love celebrations like birthdays, graduation, anniversaries and of course christening which has one place to go to for reception at Max's Restaurant. The reason why many people tend to relate Max's Restaurant as their Ninong Max.
Ninong or godfather is an extended family that equally love by children like their parents because they impart an extra love and share gifts specially every occasions.
Max's Restaurant want to create a unique and memorable experience for Filipinos during christening celebrations that will transcend the tightly-knit family tradition that is inherent to our culture as Filipinos.
Ninong or godfather is an extended family that equally love by children like their parents because they impart an extra love and share gifts specially every occasions.
Max's Restaurant want to create a unique and memorable experience for Filipinos during christening celebrations that will transcend the tightly-knit family tradition that is inherent to our culture as Filipinos.
A day of celebration happen last Saturday at SMX Convention Center, all the inaanaks of Ninong Max's gather together for a day of fun and excitement. From film viewing, children stage play, concert and more, children and their parents had a great day spending at Ninong Max's surprises.
Also, they enjoy the fun-filled activities that surrounds the spacious venue from coloring activity (materials provided) , alphabets, playground ( under the sea and more) and photo booths (with parents who also enjoyed the event).
I saw how happy the children is, in a day spent with Ninong Max's. I cant' wait to have a child and make Ninong Ma'x's one of my kumpare heheh..
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