Recently Shell FuelSave Good Choice Driving Challenge was happen and the TV host/Shell FuelSave Celebrity Driver Bianca Gonzalez join and took the challenge. Riding a Ford EcoSport 1.5L Titanium, from Manila to Batangas then back to Manila, using various ways to save fuel efficiency.
Shell FuelSave Good choice Driving Challenge participants also includes press from print, TV, radio and mommy bloggers. They took four challenges that tested their ability to be fuel efficient on the road.
"I am delighted to be part of the Shell FuelSave Good Choice Driving Challenge and show my fellow motorist that every driver can be fuel efficient" said Gonzalez.
"I am not driving enthusiast as I am amazed to know that making simple adjustment to the way I drive like driving smoothly, avoiding high speeds, planning trips carefully and of course choosing the right fuel can go a long way in increasing fuel efficiency" she added.
The Shell FuelSave Good Choice Challenge served as a prelude to the results of the Shell FuelSave Good Choice Report, a nationwide study conducted by Pilipinas Shell to probe deeper into the range of decisions Filipino motorists make, the factors that affect these decisions and how these can affect into the other aspect of their lives.
Shell FuelSave Good Choice Challenge and Shell FuelSave Good Choice Report is an activities to celebrate the 100 Years of Shell Companies in the Philippines and the company's commitment to meet the evolving needs of its customers and provide quality products and services.
For more details and information, you may visit their site at
Shell FuelSave Good choice Driving Challenge participants also includes press from print, TV, radio and mommy bloggers. They took four challenges that tested their ability to be fuel efficient on the road.
"I am delighted to be part of the Shell FuelSave Good Choice Driving Challenge and show my fellow motorist that every driver can be fuel efficient" said Gonzalez.
"I am not driving enthusiast as I am amazed to know that making simple adjustment to the way I drive like driving smoothly, avoiding high speeds, planning trips carefully and of course choosing the right fuel can go a long way in increasing fuel efficiency" she added.
The Shell FuelSave Good Choice Challenge served as a prelude to the results of the Shell FuelSave Good Choice Report, a nationwide study conducted by Pilipinas Shell to probe deeper into the range of decisions Filipino motorists make, the factors that affect these decisions and how these can affect into the other aspect of their lives.
Shell FuelSave Good Choice Challenge and Shell FuelSave Good Choice Report is an activities to celebrate the 100 Years of Shell Companies in the Philippines and the company's commitment to meet the evolving needs of its customers and provide quality products and services.
For more details and information, you may visit their site at