I'm sure one time or another, you visited the number one buy-and-sell website in our country, the sulit.com.ph or we simply call it Sulit. From cars, bags,gadgets, pre-loved items and more, Sulit is a one stop shop for us as well as easy site for us to sell brand new or second-hand things.
Now Sulit.com.ph is OLX.Ph, a more accessible, comfortable, organize and secure portal for online sellers and buyers, now you can always say Yesss Yaman! with the improved one. The rebranding is set inspire and encourage Filipinos to improve their lives by selling personal items they no longer using and turning these to cash. More focus, more faster and more easier than ever.
The founder and man & woman behind Sulit is the husband and wife, RJ and Arianne David and said they are happy that more and more Filipino are starting to make value of the unused items and make them into cash.
"Filipinos are not used to sell 2nd hand items, so it end up as a clutter to the house, so we help them to use and post it online in an easy access website wherein buyers are there also" RJ David, OLX Philippines Managing Director.
Sell your 2nd hand items and turn these into cash as OLX.ph, Yesss Yaman!
Now Sulit.com.ph is OLX.Ph, a more accessible, comfortable, organize and secure portal for online sellers and buyers, now you can always say Yesss Yaman! with the improved one. The rebranding is set inspire and encourage Filipinos to improve their lives by selling personal items they no longer using and turning these to cash. More focus, more faster and more easier than ever.
The founder and man & woman behind Sulit is the husband and wife, RJ and Arianne David and said they are happy that more and more Filipino are starting to make value of the unused items and make them into cash.
"Filipinos are not used to sell 2nd hand items, so it end up as a clutter to the house, so we help them to use and post it online in an easy access website wherein buyers are there also" RJ David, OLX Philippines Managing Director.
Sell your 2nd hand items and turn these into cash as OLX.ph, Yesss Yaman!