"Honesto" is a story about the boy named Honesto who played by Raikko Mateo, the son of Barrio Katapatan's Fina (Maricar Reyes) and one of their barrio's visitor Diego (Paulo Avelino). Honesto grew up with having an allergy that causes his nose to swell whenever he tells a lie.
"Gusto ko lang pong makita ang sarili sa TV, kasi natutuwa po ako" Raikko shared at the series' grand presscon happen at ELJ Building, ABS-CBN Compound QC. So cute and adorable 5 years old young boy who discovered through audition.
To complete the stellar casts includes Janice De Belen, Eddie Garcia, Joseph Marco, Melissa Riggs, Malou Crisologo, Melai Cantoveros, Jason Francisco, Michael Conan, Josh Ivan Morales, Janna Agoncillo with the special participation of Maricar and Spanky Manikan. Directed by Jerry Lopez Sineneng and Darnel Joy Villaflor.
Don't miss Honesto everyday from Monday to Friday, after TV Patrol on Primetime Bida. Follow Honesto on Facebook/Honesto.TV and Twitter/Honesto_TV.
"Gusto ko lang pong makita ang sarili sa TV, kasi natutuwa po ako" Raikko shared at the series' grand presscon happen at ELJ Building, ABS-CBN Compound QC. So cute and adorable 5 years old young boy who discovered through audition.
To complete the stellar casts includes Janice De Belen, Eddie Garcia, Joseph Marco, Melissa Riggs, Malou Crisologo, Melai Cantoveros, Jason Francisco, Michael Conan, Josh Ivan Morales, Janna Agoncillo with the special participation of Maricar and Spanky Manikan. Directed by Jerry Lopez Sineneng and Darnel Joy Villaflor.
Don't miss Honesto everyday from Monday to Friday, after TV Patrol on Primetime Bida. Follow Honesto on Facebook/Honesto.TV and Twitter/Honesto_TV.