Once I got home early, I've making sure that I tuned at ABS-CBN News TV Patrol to keep me update and aware of what's happening in our country. TV Patrol news anchors, Noli De Castro, Korina Sanchez and Ted Failon never fail to show me how passionate they are in their chosen field by bringing excellent delivery of the latest news.
My favorite part is the CCTV Patrol which shows the collections of videos that was captured by the citizens. It enable citizens to be more concern and empower to gather news content and information by using their cell phone cameras, CCTV( Closed Circuit Television) or any other gadgets. Then sent or upload it to social media or CCTV Patrol for an immediate response of action.
Recently, the first bloggers conference was made that was held at ABS-CBN's ELJ Building. One of TV Patrol anchor welcomed us through a live streaming or chat because he is at Cagayan de Oro that time and also Ms. Ging Reyes who were present with us. The said event was hosted by Atom and bloggers are eager to ask question right after the introduction.
CCTV Patrol is very effective since they started it as TV Patrol segment and the videos that were coming almost everyday were go to a intensive validation and verification. They even go to the place where the incident happen and they are open in both sides in terms of opinions. They also making sure the identity protection of the sender and its confidentiality.
Watch CCTV Patrol weeknights in TV Patrol after Aryana on ABS-CBN or you can also be a CCTV Patroller and take action with your society's problem and dilemma. You can send your photos and videos at ireport@abs-cbn.com or post them on www.facebook.com/bayanmoipatrolmo.akoangsimula or to @bayanmo on Twitter.