From the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender of Nickelodeon, Solar Entertainment Corp. and United International Picture brings the movie to a live-action film and its directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The Last Airbender is a story of friendship, bravery and leadership.Aang a 12 years old airbender is the last avatar who can manipulate not only air but also the 3 other elements such as water,earth and fire.The journey of learning how to control all the elements with his friends waterbender Katara and her warrior brother Sokka, and bison Appa, will teach him and prepare him to fight Fire Lord Sozin who wants to wipe out all the avatars and only his nation will rule the world.Aang and the rest of the people will not allow this because it can also effect the balance of the world.
Showing in Philippine theaters on July 21, 2010.Click the City will be giving 2 invites to the advanced screening of the movie.Just Click HERE to join.