Miss Ria of My Journey of Life gave me a "Beautiful Blogger Award" which makes my day complete.Thank you so much for this award and I'll do my best to make my blog interesting and share more amazing trends online as you did and the rest of your friends.
As a rule of receiving this award
1) Thank and link the person who awarded you. Again thanks much to Miss Ria
2) Pass this award to 15 bloggers that recently discovered and are fantastic.
3) Contact the said blogs and inform them about the award that you had gave them.
4) State 7 things about yourself.
For me, these are the Bloggers that recently fascinates me:
Miss Cielo of Brown Pinay
Miss Meme of Inspired by Meme
Miss Carmen of AWESOME Pinoys
Miss Chubskulit of Nostalgic MARVELING
Miss Cecile of Thoughts of a Pinay SAHM
Miss Dhemz of My Life's Perception and Inspiration
Miss Kaye of WAHMaholic
Miss Pehpot of Reviews Inc.
Miss Paula of WAHM sa Pinas
Miss Seiko of Seiko's Diary
Miss Yam of Yam's Files
Miss Clarissa of KINUZA Ties and bonding
Miss K of Make or Break
Miss Lindsay of lindsayritz.
7 Things about ME:
a ChE
a bride to be
photographer wannabe
love to watch CSINY and Ellen
loves to travel ( if theres a budget)