The brand new season of the critically-acclaimed series "House of Cards" leaded by Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood, will be air only in RTL CBS Entertainment. "House of Cards" season 4 exclusively seen on RTL CBS Entertainment watchathon will start also on Saturday, March 5 from 4PM.
The award-winning series "House of Cards" season 4 have 13 episodes and you can now watch the episodes back-to-back starting March 5 at 4PM at the comfort of your home and time.
"RTL CBS Entertainement HD is the only place where fans can see the new season of "House of Cards" says Jonas Engwall, CEO, RTL CBS Asia Entertainment Network. "Delivering all 13 episodes in high-definition, back-to-back, localized with subtitles on the same day as the US, we guarantee audiences in the region a great viewing experience"
Let us all save follow the story of the wicked political drama of "House of Cards" from its shadowy world of greed, sex, and corruption in modern Washington D.C.
The award-winning series "House of Cards" season 4 have 13 episodes and you can now watch the episodes back-to-back starting March 5 at 4PM at the comfort of your home and time.
"RTL CBS Entertainement HD is the only place where fans can see the new season of "House of Cards" says Jonas Engwall, CEO, RTL CBS Asia Entertainment Network. "Delivering all 13 episodes in high-definition, back-to-back, localized with subtitles on the same day as the US, we guarantee audiences in the region a great viewing experience"
Let us all save follow the story of the wicked political drama of "House of Cards" from its shadowy world of greed, sex, and corruption in modern Washington D.C.