They said that nothing in this world can beat a mothers arms especially in caring, protecting and offering safety for their children. That's the challenges that a mom undergoing almost every hour of the day. Knowing that her children are safe, happy and loved is enough reward.
To keep kids away from harm at all times is another challenge that needs an immediate action and care. Whatever kids are doing, it is inevitable for them to fall down or bump into things. As much as it pains mothers to admit, that is a great part of their learning process. But it’s also good to know that there are ways to keep children safe, whatever they do.
Last October 26, I was invited together with my co-bloggers by Wilkins Distilled Water, together with and be part of moms’ Circle of Trust. The intimate but interactive morning is where we all learned do-it-yourself safety hacks from other trusted expert moms using materials that are easily accessible from their own homes.
Last October 26, I was invited together with my co-bloggers by Wilkins Distilled Water, together with and be part of moms’ Circle of Trust. The intimate but interactive morning is where we all learned do-it-yourself safety hacks from other trusted expert moms using materials that are easily accessible from their own homes.
Here are the tips that is easy to do, learn and remember, materials can be found at home or a visit to a hardware store and at the nearest supermarket. It can save moms from a nerve-wracking trip to the hospital as well.
1. Scout the Territory. The first step is to take a child’s eye view of your home. Get down on your knees to see for yourself what’s within reach, what looks tempting, and what could be dangerous for your kids.
1. Scout the Territory. The first step is to take a child’s eye view of your home. Get down on your knees to see for yourself what’s within reach, what looks tempting, and what could be dangerous for your kids.
3. Keep Window Cords Up High. Loop and tie window cords to keep them out of reach of children, but not too high that you can’t lower the shade all the way down.
4. Duct Tape on Power Outlets. Cover reachable openings with duct tape or band aid to avoid the risk of electrocution.

5. Keep Doors Unlocked. Prevent kids from locking themselves in the room by covering the latch. A securely taped cardboard would suffice for this.

6. Temporary Tattoo. When leaving the house, write down your phone number on your kids’ arms so that people could easily reach you if your little ones get lost.
7. Know your First Aid. Always keep a first aid kit handy, whether you are at home or traveling with your kids. Know the alternatives too. Here are some: for minor burns, vinegar can ease the pain and prevent blisters; paste made out of baking soda and water can maker splinter removals less painful; and coconut oil can prevent infection in small cuts and can sooth sunburn.

8. Monitor What They Eat. Always prepare clean, fresh and healthy food that is consistent with your child’s balanced diet. Make sure all ingredients and utensils used are properly cleaned as well. Kids might be hesitant to eat vegetables and fruits, but with proper presentation – lots of colors and shapes – you can be sure that your kids will finish their food.

9. Drink Only Safe and Clean Water. Moms’ most trusted and pediatricians’ prescribed brand is Wilkins Distilled Water. It follows an international quality control system and uses only state-of-the-art equipment in packing and sealing its products to ensure clean and safe quality water.

10. Emergency Master File for Your Circle of Trust. We all have our most trusted support group, people we know we can count on when it comes to taking care of our kids. This includes grandparents, siblings, the best friend, yaya, pediatricians, OB/GYNS, teachers, among others. Keep their contact details and other vital information in one master file in order to reach them quickly in case of emergency.

For more info on how to keep your family safe, visit the Wilkins Facebook page at today.