Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation (APC) is an affiliate of Tokyo-based Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Established in 1958, it promise to provide consumers products that will always give the delicious taste to healthy and nutritious meals. Today they launch their icon and newest endorser.
AjiPanda is a cute panda icon that conveys someone shy, caring, happy and loyal. It personifies how a humble pack or bottle of AJI-NO-MOTO Umami Seasoning fills the role of “Your Best Friend in the Kitchen” by offering an ever-reliable way of bringing out the natural goodness of food.
AJI-NO-MOTO is manufactured and goes to the natural process of fermentation with the natural main ingredients like sugar cane, corn or cassava. This product is safe, convenient and effective in making food taste delicious. It is simply free glutamate, the common amino acids (building blocks of protein) that provides the taste of umami to food in the same way that sugar adds sweet taste or salt adds salty taste to food.
Umami, is the fifth basic taste alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. It is the savory, rich and full taste we often experience in meat, seafood, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms.
Combine AJI-NO-MOTO to any dish and you will surely have a great meal because it makes dishes very delicious and enjoyable.
Always have AJI-NO-MOTO and feels like with AjiPanda, your best friend in the kitchen, to help work wonders in your cooking to share many happy meals with your family.