Last Saturday, I had the chance to join and volunteer for the Starbucks Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Teach For The Philippines activity at Malaban Elementary School in Binan, Laguna. The activity aims to help and prepare the school's equipment and facilities, much like Brigada Eskwela (of which I am a volunteer also through DepEd) and is usually done a week before the start of the school year.
Teach For The Philippines is a non-profit organization that aims to improve classroom refurbishment in public schools to directly improve the learning environment of the public school students. With the help of private corporations like Starbucks and volunteers, it hopes to continue to build a more developed Philippines through education.
Since I am a sucker for volunteer work and my advocacy is focused on education, i jumped aboard this activity, PRONTO!
Early in the morning, around 6:30AM, a bus picked us up at Starbucks Ayala 6750 branch. We were all geared up with the official shirt and were all excited to help, cooperate, and be productive. About an hour's drive from Makati,we arrived at the venue on the dot and found some of the volunteers already starting to plant trees; painting doors, chairs, murals and blackboards; repairing cabinets, and more.
I was assigned to repair canteen cabinets, together with two of my co-bloggers Mia and Rod. With two volunteer carpenters to assist and guide us, we started working and somehow managed to use basic carpentry tools like electric saw, chisel, planer, and the old reliable hammer. I don't know how many hours it took, but i never knew tha time flies when you are bent on repairing canteen cabinets. I understand now why some guys love carpentry. It's hard work but there is instant gratification when you are able to create something with your hands.
Of course, our stomachs were complaining after all that effort. The Starbucks' Venti Van was there to rescue us, with its array of Starbucks beverages and sandwiches and most importantly, with lots of drinking water to keep all of us hydrated.
I felt very happy and contented when i volunteered for Starbucks CSR and Teach For The Philippines. Like any other volunteering activity that I had before, nothing compares to the satisfaction and happiness that you feel every time you have offered help, donated goods or services. That is especially true when you know you have extended help to the ones who need it the most.
Teach For The Philippines is a non-profit organization that aims to improve classroom refurbishment in public schools to directly improve the learning environment of the public school students. With the help of private corporations like Starbucks and volunteers, it hopes to continue to build a more developed Philippines through education.
Since I am a sucker for volunteer work and my advocacy is focused on education, i jumped aboard this activity, PRONTO!
before and after
Early in the morning, around 6:30AM, a bus picked us up at Starbucks Ayala 6750 branch. We were all geared up with the official shirt and were all excited to help, cooperate, and be productive. About an hour's drive from Makati,we arrived at the venue on the dot and found some of the volunteers already starting to plant trees; painting doors, chairs, murals and blackboards; repairing cabinets, and more.
I was assigned to repair canteen cabinets, together with two of my co-bloggers Mia and Rod. With two volunteer carpenters to assist and guide us, we started working and somehow managed to use basic carpentry tools like electric saw, chisel, planer, and the old reliable hammer. I don't know how many hours it took, but i never knew tha time flies when you are bent on repairing canteen cabinets. I understand now why some guys love carpentry. It's hard work but there is instant gratification when you are able to create something with your hands.
Of course, our stomachs were complaining after all that effort. The Starbucks' Venti Van was there to rescue us, with its array of Starbucks beverages and sandwiches and most importantly, with lots of drinking water to keep all of us hydrated.
I felt very happy and contented when i volunteered for Starbucks CSR and Teach For The Philippines. Like any other volunteering activity that I had before, nothing compares to the satisfaction and happiness that you feel every time you have offered help, donated goods or services. That is especially true when you know you have extended help to the ones who need it the most.