According to Chinese Zodiac, 2015 is the year of the Green Wooden Sheep, which will officially starts on Chinese New Year Day February 19, 2015. Chinese New Year Day is validated every new moon of the first lunar month, since this year the new moon is at 7.48AM of February 19 in China Standard Time. February 19 is the official Year of Green Wooden Sheep.
2015 is the Year of Green Wooden Sheep that has a wood, fire and earth elements. So if you know your element and contains one of the three, 2015 will be a lucky year for you and would bring high level of fortune (ref. here)
Since I born on Year of the Horse, ones said that I am very lucky this year because Sheep and Horse are both living in the same habitat. Aside from that my zodiac sign Leo, will add to the royal status, I have this year year.
I am looking forward for a better and brighter year and I am surely sharing it with you my friends hehe...