Recently, I had a chance to watch the press preview for Red Turnip Theater's the "Rabbit Hole" held at White Space, Makati City. "Rabbit Hole" is a play by David Lindsay-Abaire and a great ensemble acting of Agot Isidro, Michael Williams, Che Ramos-Cosio, Ross Pesigan and Shiela Francisco.
(L) Director Topper Frabregas, Shiela Francisco, Michael Williams, Agot Isidro,
Che Ramos-Cosio and Ross Pesigan
The heartbreaking story is about the family leaded by Becca (Isidro) and Howie (Williams) who are trying to recover from the accidental (hit by a car while chasing family dog) death of their 4 year-old son named Danny. But with their family on their side like Becca's mother Nat (Francisco) and troblemaker sister Izzy (Ramos-Cosio), they can overcome the pain.
When I was studying nursing, I learn about the five stages of coping with death which for me can also apply in coping if someone died in a family. Stages that includes Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance (DABDA) that can relate in the lives of husband and wife. In the play, I believe Becca is in the bargaining stage because I saw how she will accepts and sometimes angry about the incident, onthe other hand Howie is in clearly the angry stage. The actors really showed how painful it is and deal with grief. I even cried two to three times, that is how they are effective in their audience.
The play is very relatable, one way or another the conversation and situation of the family is really happening around and by that we can help them and know what to do if it arise.
Rabbit Hole is a must see, directed by Topper Fabregas. Every Friday (9PM), Saturday (8PM) and Sunday (4PM) until August 31, 2014 at White Space, Chico Roces Extension, Makati City.