The NBC Universal International Television launches Telemundo block in Asia. The Asia’s leading entertainment channel for women, DIVA Universal will spiced-up your afternoon starting this month.
Stars of Cruel Love, Carlos Ponce, Ana Lucia Domingues, and Khotan Fernandez
DIVA Telemundo, airs Mondays to Fridays at 4:15 in the afternoon with Aurora, a love story that must overcome lies and deceit, and the sexy romantic comedy Cruel Love (Perro Amor), stars Carlos Ponce, Ana Lucia Domingues, and Khotan Fernandez. The two Miami-produced telenovelas are dubbed in English, airing first and exclusively in Asia, including the Philippines.
The release of the DIVA Telemundo block is the first of its kind for an English-language general entertainment pay-TV network in the region. This development comes after a year which NBC Universal International Television did in Telemundo Africa – the first Telemundo channel to launch outside the Americas.