Project Headshot Clinic Unite 2013 is a campaign spare headed by reknown photographer Niccolo Cosme. An annual advocacy campaign that merge profile photos online and advertising to raise funds to help HIV positive individuals and awareness about HIV information.
For the 6th year, Project Headshot Clinic is helping and inviting you to join and learn more about their advocacy and of course front your headshot photos as a sign of support for the campaign.
The registration is still open just log on to then click UNITE.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a slowly replicating retrovirus that would cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a health condition which immune system is slowly deteriorating until complications occur and become prone to infections and cancer to thrive.
A person gets HIV when an infected individual's body fluids like blood, semen, fluids from the vagina or breast milk, enters someone's bloodstream. The virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth, anus, or sex organs or through broken skin. Misconception like touching, hugging, swimming or sharing things who have AIDS must be learn to respect and take care of them properly.
To avoid or further infection, one must be aware of his/her body, you should have a protected sex using latex barrier (condom) and don't share needles. If you know that you've been expose or encountered one, don't hesitate to take the HIV Test.
For the 6th year, Project Headshot Clinic is helping and inviting you to join and learn more about their advocacy and of course front your headshot photos as a sign of support for the campaign.
The registration is still open just log on to then click UNITE.