With their rich pool of talents ranging
from graphics design and web development to mobile app building, App Labs
provides various apps for different platforms and operating systems, such as
iOS for iPhones, Android, and Blackberry. The Quezon City-based firm of about
200 employees and its subsidiaries chose to invest in HP commercial desktops to
maximize the output of their designers. App Labs Board Chairman Azhar Khan
discusses the rising company’s appreciation of the reliability of HP machines
and their capacity to contribute to the company’s growth in the coming months.
significant growth in such a short time this year created a big need for us to
expand our IT infrastructure. We chose HP based from previous positive
experience with the brand. Thanks to the extreme reliability of the HP desktops
we use, we’ve been able to deliver high-quality apps on-time. Because of this
we also plan to add more HP machines, like servers, and expand our product line
to further diversify our offerings, which range from kid’s apps to
entertainment and utilities,” he said.
HP commercial desktops empower App Labs
developers and designers with full-time reliability. Using the latest
processors from Intel® coupled with high-performing peripherals such as DDR3
memory modules and large, clear HP Compaq™ 20-inch monitors, HP commercial desktops
provide worry-free hours of use for App Labs’ requirements.
Labs Managing Director Oliver Ian Atienza accounts the robust build and
consistency of HP computers in their performance: “I have firm conviction on
the reliability of HP units. We’ve had no downtime issues with our HP desktops
and they’ve been running for long hours and heavy use since we purchased them
from Subic Nexxus. Being an IT company, we need the toughest and
best-performing computers in the market,” he says.
Apps Lab Board Chairman Azhar Khan adds,
“I’ve worked with HP computers and printers before, and HP has a reputation of
producing dependable units where cheaper but less reliable clones would have
failed. Both Ian and I have seen that from previous computers before. We at App
Labs see HP as a brand that caters quality products to its customers,
especially when you’re dealing with big investment purchases.HP also provided
us with fast feedback during transaction, adding up to their value.”
Through HP computers, App Labs aims to
develop, launch and maintain future products to handle them efficiently. “This
year we’re launching our new flagship app called Car Crazee. With the
performance of HP servers, we believe the company will be able to handle the
multitude of users that will access the app simultaneously,” Atienza adds.