HUBO Productions and UNO Magazine Recently Sign a Deal for Commemorative Video - Ning4u: Anything And Everything's Free
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HUBO Productions and UNO Magazine Recently Sign a Deal for Commemorative Video

Written By Ning Buning on Friday, August 24, 2012 | Friday, August 24, 2012

UNO Magazine is a men’s lifestyle magazine that covers men’s interest that ranges from women, sports, cars and other vehicles, gadgets, career, fashion to fitness. It aims to publish relevant topics that its target market will find fun, useful, inspirational and intelligent. On its 9th year in the business, HUBO Productions and UNO Magazine (5 Leaf Publishing Co., Inc.) has recently signed an agreement to produce a video production that will accompany UNO Magazine’s on its 9th Anniversary issue. As a result, the group of UNO has planned a commemorative special collector’s edition issue and a grand celebration with theme “UNOversity -- Back to Basics” for the festivities. 

UNO Magazine Managing Director Maan Ilustre said “UNOversity theme is a Grand Alumni Homecoming of anything and everything UNO. It is a Pep Rally of sorts for everything we have done. We are closing the chapter of the last 9 years and entering a new exciting era.”  She reiterated and expressed excitement with this initial collaboration with HUBO. Ida Ceniza-Tiongson, HUBO board member, represented HUBO in sealing the partnership. Says Ceniza-Tiongson “HUBO has always been open to collaboration that would challenge and expand our artistic reach and this venture is one of them. We are delighted to be working with UNO.” The celebration will be kicked-off by a Grand Alumni Homecoming party on August 29, which will bring back the top and hottest UNO cover girls before.

HUBO Productions, on its sixth year, sees this project as an expansion from its core film ventures to solidify its multi-media status. To date, HUBO has released three-full length films, with two that are in post-production work. It has ventured to produce a soundtrack that featured emerging Philippine independent bands, co-presented theatre works both in New York City and Manila, and supported other independent films and music video. HUBO has also championed a visual arts exhibition in Salt Lake City, Utah, sponsored a dance festival in Seattle, and has been instrumental in organizing a fitness flashmob in the Philippines.

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