Win 10,000Php from Ceelin Cool Chew Craze - Ning4u: Anything And Everything's Free
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Win 10,000Php from Ceelin Cool Chew Craze

Written By Ning Buning on Thursday, July 19, 2012 | Thursday, July 19, 2012

A new craze is sweeping the nation, and it has got all the kids singing, dancing and chewing. Yes, you read that right—chewing! But don’t be alarmed Moms, this is one craze you’ll surely approve of.

The Ceelin Cool Chew Craze is an online video contest for children ages 7-12 years old who love being in front of the camera. Your cool kids will have to create a video of themselves (with Mom or Dad’s approval and help of course!) lip-syncing to the cool tune of the Ceelin Cool Chew Song. Jazz up the performance with some groovy moves and creative improvisation and your kids just may be on their way to becoming one of Php10,000 winners. The best videos will also star in the Ceelin official video, along with a secret guest celebrity.

To further the excitement, Ceelin has been visiting elementary schools around the nation. Along with their Cool Chew Crew, they travel around teaching kids the importance of eating right and drinking vitamin C through the Cool Chew Song.

How do you join?

You can also watch the video mechanics to get you all set :
Perfect your Cool Chew performance! Rehearse with the Ceelin Cool Chew Craze Practice Video:

Ceelin Chewables is an orange-flavored, Vitamin-C tablet for kids. A dose of Ceelin Chewable tablet every day enhances the kids’ immune system, increases their appetite and keeps sickness at bay, allowing them to enjoy more fun activities at home and in school.

For more information and updates on the Ceelin Cool Chew Craze, you may visit the Ceelin Chewable fan page on Facebook:

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