Alberto Suansing, the former LTO Chief and now Secretary
General of Phil Global Road Safety Partnership, hosted the 4th Bikers Club Meet
Up held last June 30 at the Rasak Covered Gym in Tayuman, Manila. Several motorcycle clubs from Tondo,
Kalookan, Navotas, Malabon, Makati and Valenzuela responded to Mr. Suansing’s
invitation and spent the whole afternoon exchanging views on the current
affairs of motorcycle riding.
“Motorcycles are designed for two passengers. With affordable monthly payment, many couples
find the motorcycle as an economical alternative to using crowded public
transport,” said Suansing on the topic of tandem riding. When asked comment on the ban on “open pipes” Suansing says,
“As LTO Chief I issued memorandum order banning loud and noisy exhaust pipes,
as they are nuisance to the community and residents where motorcycle riders
pass.” Members of Underbone Fury Riders (Malabon), Burlington
Riders (Makati), Brad Riders (Kalookan), Bagwis Riders (Tondo), Bright Lights
(Valenzuela) and NMPC (Navotas) gamely exchanged comments and shared their
insights on other topics like backriding of children, checkpoints and arguing
with traffic enforcers.
The number of motorcycle users is growing in double
digits. Consequently, the cases of road
crashes involving motorcycles are also growing in double digits. While we are alarmed by everyday accounts of
bloody bike crashes, little is being done to mitigate them. Safe-T-Ryders is conducting a series of Bikers Club Meet-Ups
to promote greater awareness among public in general, and motorcycle riders in
particular. The goal is to engage
organized bikers to take active part in the promotion of road safety and
reduction of road mishaps. Sul Guiabel, instructor from Safe T Ryders conducted a short
discussion on the effects of alcohol when riding. This was followed by a lively demonstration
of mild and strong intoxication using the “Fatal Vision” goggles. Club members took turns trying out the
goggles and doing several exercises to test their ability to carry out simple
tasks like walking along a straight line and catching a ball.
The goggles simulate the loss of eye-and-muscle coordination
due to high BAC (blood alcohol
concentration) to emphasize the very damaging effects of riding under the
influence of alcohol, and its severe consequences resulting in serious injuries
and even death. With the growing number
of road crashes resulting from riding under the influence of alcohol,
Safe-T-Ryders is mounting a campaign against riding motorbikes after taking
According to Safe T Ryders founder Arnel Doria who was the
head of marketing for a leading car brand, "The Club Meet-Up program is
part of our advocacy to engage bikers club members in the active campaign to
multiply the number of responsible and disciplined bikers. This will be a continuing program for
Safe-T-Ryders Training Center and we invite corporate partners to join us in
this road safety advocacy."
Club Meet Up is regularly supported by Gadgets Magazine,
PGRSP and Independent Realty Corporation, together with the official media
partners: Motoring Today (Solar Sports), Stoplight TV, Auto Review (PTV4) and
Inside Motoring (DZRJ). The Manila leg
is sponsored by Prestone brake fluid which gave away one bottle each to the
participants, and the Manila City government of Mayor Alfredo Lim.
Safe-T-Ryders Training Center believes that a sound
knowledge base as well as strong riding skills result in safer road users and
enhance the enjoyment of motorcycle riders. The training center is manned by
Julius Ballesteros, a TESDA-certified instructor who has just completed a
two-year stint as a safety driving instructor of a large Saudi Arabian company,
and Sulfikar Guiabel, an experienced LTO-accredited riding/driving instructor.
The Club Meet-Up is open to bike club members as well as
individual riders. Attendance is free of charge to qualified participants. For interested parties and/or riders clubs
who would like to host the meet up, please contact Safe T Ryders (Tel No.
208-8035 / Mobile: 0932-872-3389). Check
for updates on Facebook (