Petron Corporation, the country's leading oil company, is opening up investment opportunities for Filipino entrepreneurs by offering them a chance to own and operate a Petron service station. With Petron's expertise, track record, and market leadership, enterprising Filipinos from all walks of life will have the opportunity to start a great business and grow with a company they can trust.
All you need is a plot of land of the right size located along a well-travelled thoroughfare. Depending on the feasibility study, a Petron dealer may choose the appropriate station configuration to match the market potential with his investment capacity.
Petron has diverse service station offerings, starting with micro-filling stations with two or three pumps for underserved remote areas, to bigger full-service stations in more urban centers. In all instances, Petron provides dealer development assistance including equipment (e.g. dispensing pumps) and a comprehensive personnel training program.
A Petron dealership is basically a retail operation involving fuels, lubricants, LPG and other specialty products. Only Petron has the widest range of product options in terms of formulation and price point, to serve virtually every market niche.
Its gasoline brands include Petron Blaze 100, Petron XCS, Petron Xtra Unleaded and Petron Pinoy Gasoline. Petron Blaze 100 is the first premium gasoline in the Philippines with a 100-octane rating, and is ideal for high-end, high-performance vehicles. Petron XCS is a 95-octane triple action gasoline with organic combustion enhancers tor smooth engine response,s uperior engine protection and optimum fuel efficiency. Petron Xtra Unleaded is the proven fuel economy standard bearer and has been tested in several marathon fuel economy runs all over the country.
For diesel, Petron offers Petron Turbo Diesel, a technologically-advanced diesel with power-boosting and fuel-optimizing additives suitable for high-speed diesel engines. Petron DieselMax, on the other hand, offers improved fuel economy and cleaner emissions for longer engine life.
As a mark of its strong market acceptance, Petron has been awarded with a Gold Trusted Brand award in the service station category by Readers' Digest for 12 consecutive years. The Trusted Brand award is a consumer survey performed yearly to measure a brand's trustworthiness, credibility, quality, value, understanding of customers' needs, innovativeness, and social responsibility.
Petron is the largest oil refining and marketing company in the Philippines. Its 180,000 barrel-per-day Bataan refinery produces a full-range of petroleum products to supply nearly 40% of the country's total fuel requirements. With the largest service station network in the country, Petron retails gasoline, diesel and kerosene to motorists. Petron is dedicated and passionate about its vision to be the leading provider of total customer satisfaction solutions in the energy sector and its derivative businesses.