Its Magnolia Ice Cream Giveaway this time, summer is coming and I can feel the heat already. Perfect time to join this contest of Magnolia where else, in their facebook fanpage . Your summer would not be complete without the fruitful taste of ice cream.And because Valentine's Day is one step away, they might as well treat you first with some preliminary contest. You can join now until February 18, 2011.
Firstly, "Like" the Magnolia Ice Cream Facebook HERE. Secondly, make an art work or a written message saying "I Love Magnolia Ice Cream" and post it onto their wall.Thirdly, Put this caption for the photo that you should complete: "I Love Magnolia Ice Cream because___" and ask your friends to comment on your photo.Lastly, register your name, facebook profile account, and email address at this link HERE.Top three winners will be chosen here.
Good luck friends, you can share it with me if you won heheh...