Islands Souvenirs will give you a the chance to be the face of the next I heart billboards and print ads all over the metro, overnight stays at top Cebu hotels, dine at Cebu’s finest restaurants, and a whole lot more!
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» I Heart CEBU by Islands Souvenirs
I Heart CEBU by Islands Souvenirs
Written By Ning Buning on Friday, August 20, 2010 | Friday, August 20, 2010
Islands Souvenirs will give you a the chance to be the face of the next I heart billboards and print ads all over the metro, overnight stays at top Cebu hotels, dine at Cebu’s finest restaurants, and a whole lot more!
1) Take a photo of yourself or with your partner, family or group wearing an I Heart Cebu shirt
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I heart cebu,
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islands souvenirs