ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL 2010 - Ning4u: Anything And Everything's Free
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Written By Ning Buning on Monday, February 15, 2010 | Monday, February 15, 2010

Last Sunday February 7, 2010  my hubby to be and I happened to be on an event which captured our heart and soul because we both love arts in any single way,be it to be music, dance, painting, books, photography, and computer graphics which my h2b is particular with. When we arrived at the top floor of SM Megamall specifically at the Mega Trade Hall ,we saw a gather of people who wore an anime costume, bringing music instruments and also people handling dSLR cameras and all entering in one place. So instead of doing something there, that we have to, we end up inside the Mega Trade Hall 3  and we did not regret to do it. The place is so rich in arts like different type of music, dance and hand work of different people regardless of age. We stay where for almost four hours, can you imagine that! the non stop music, free seminars and cosplay accumulates our true intention of going there hahaha!!! But I can say that its worth our time. These are some picture that we take for that event. And I heard that The Backdoor Ventures which behinds all of this, is doing it annually( its their 5th time now), definitely we will be there in the usual three day duration  and we will bring my h2b's camera not just a point and shoot ( which we had that time), to share it again with you in a more visualized mode. Enjoy!!!



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