Pinoy_Blogfest 1.0 Experience April 17, 2010 - Ning4u: Anything And Everything's Free
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Pinoy_Blogfest 1.0 Experience April 17, 2010

Written By Ning Buning on Friday, April 23, 2010 | Friday, April 23, 2010

Last April 17, 2010 I am so lucky to attend an event that broaden my knowledge about blogging industry. The Pinoy Blogfest 1.0 was held at  Richmonde Hotel in Ortigas. This conference was brought to us by Coca-Cola Philippines and the country's first tech-style magazine Gadgets Magazine with a theme of "Opportunity and Responsibility"The event was opened by the president and CEO of Great Minds Media Inc. Ms Maribelle  Alba.

and it was a whole day event of knowledge about blogs from Code of Ethics by Ms Yvonne Chua (,
That there is a difference about blogger and journalist which some pretended to be as one.The later which follows rules of engagement and more difficult but they have the same power as through connecting  people and spreading news. 
Basic Values: Truth-telling, Freedom with limits,Justice, Humaneness and Stewardship.Following these values and you will never be wrong.

Optimizing the Economic Potential of Blogs by Mr Abe Olandres (,

Discuss about adsense, adverts and etc. which you can achieved more if combined which patience and perseverance on blog reviews.Using Amazon or Ebay on the side will make your target when the years go by.Maintaining a good reputation will make your market and page alive.

and the importance of Blogging as a Media Practitioner by Mr Ira Panganiban (

Says that the attributed sources must be good and fact so that you can be so called viral as bloggers concern. Because libel law applies to all of us, do not plagiarize, because if problems arise your the one who is accountable for that. 

In the afternoon sessions are the different trends on technology and gaming (Toshiba,Intel,Asus), photography (Canon), digital living (LG Electronics) and health and fitness (Isukoshi), which added to the completeness of that day..

Ms Zandra Ziva Tubale of Toshiba

Mr Jan Ellis Chua of Asus

Mr Anthony Garcia of Canon

Ms Variane Faith Mijares for LG Electronics

Mr Christian Montesa for Isukoshi

In between the discussion and sessions are question and answer portion which actively participated by the participants and a non stop food and give-aways for grabs aside from the raffle at the end of that event. As a new blogger I really benefited on this conference and I will use all that I have learned as early as now.

Thank you very much Gadget Magazine Team and Coca-Cola Philippines for such an informative conference.

Hey did I mention to you guys that I've won the grand prize on the raffle that night...?? yess
I have now my own LCD TV..yeay..


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